
The Truth About Online Traffic blog Aug 07, 2023


Anybody who tells you that is insane or is trying to sell you something.

Yes, paid ads are the quickest way to get traffic to your website and to your offers BUT it’s the most EXPENSIVE. Whereas, organic search traffic is free but it’s going to cost you time while you...

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WHY YOU NEED TO GO TO LIVE EVENTS blog paul halme Jul 31, 2023

I've read all the books, taken all the courses, been to some of the highest level masterminds in the world but I always get something different from the events that I go to.

A lot of times, the speakers and the presentations involve a lot of selling... but I get so much out of networking... From...

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THE POWER OF EMAIL [Part 2] blog paul halme Jul 27, 2023

Last week, I talked about the power of email. Having a traffic source that's uniquely your own. I also promised some ninja tricks and we’re going over those today.

First, import your list of current members- people who’ve been to your gym, your past and current members. Then upload...

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THE POWER OF EMAIL blog paul halme Jul 17, 2023

I know we’re all obsessed with digital marketing. The newest Facebook ads, Instagram and Facebook stories. But the most powerful traffic you can own is that from your email list. As James Schramko says, "with email list, you own the racecourse!"

Your ad accounts could get disabled, you...

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How To Open A BJJ Academy Jul 10, 2023

So you want to open a BJJ Academy?

Well get ready for a wild ride.

But its the best business to build if you really love BJJ. 

Here is our breakdown of how to open a BJJ academy with a shoe string budget. 

Step 1:  Do Not rent a place
This tip is going to save you so much...

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I got a Bad Review!! & Worse.. It's FAKE! What do I do? amy magers blog Jul 03, 2023

As you become successful, you WILL receive new levels of scrutiny & criticism.

People you don't know, who have never met you, who have never seen your business first hand will try to hurl at you. Because people who have nothing going for themselves KNOW that they can NEVER amount to anything...

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Two Tips to Increase your Appointment Show Rate Jun 27, 2023

Show rate is the best metric at our academy. We’ve consistently been in the high 70’s%, typically between 75%-78% for years. Here are TWO simple & effective tips to increase the Show Rate at your academy.




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We Can Get You Leads 2 Ways, Cheap.. & with Little to No Time of Effort on Your Part! Jun 19, 2023

…But you can only have one of those things at a time. 

In the world of business, acquiring leads is crucial for success. But like all things: it comes at a cost. With lead acquisition, you have two options—invest money or invest time. Each choice has its pros and cons, affecting...

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