Are you emailing your list?
Dec 25, 2023How often are you emailing your list?
My guess is not enough. 😆
Breaking news!
Emails have to be sent- specially when you're trying to build up your students, your clients, the people that come to your business. 💥
When you're running good marketing campaigns, (say you get 10 leads, five are going to be pretty warm, three pretty hot, two for sure) that leaves you with five out of 10 leads aren't interested yet.
The keyword there was YET.
You have to give them time, get them to know, like and trust you and build that up.
And then it's going to make it much easier for them to come to your school or your business because if you just trying to always get sale, sale, sale, sale, sale, you're going to get X amount and that's it.
BUT if you keep working your list, writing good quality emails that your avatar enjoys, it's going to be much easier to get them to come to the gym eventually.
Some people might've been on your email list for six months, a year, or two years, whatever. Some just take some time to trust and actually buy from you or sign up to your school. But if you make sure you keep in touch, that's a great investment. In fact, if you look at your students information, a good number of those who come in and join have been in your list for quite a long time.
Email your list minimum twice a week. That just makes sure people are seeing you everywhere and are not forgetting about you.
I recommend always having one that's focused on training, fitness and nutrition tips. Also emails that update them about what's going on at the gym, or anything along that.
People would then feel like they are a part of something, even though they're not yet.
Give out a warm, welcoming and fun impression that'd make them think, "Oh, Hey, I really like the vibe at this gym."
So get out there, make sure you're emailing, get better at copywriting. There's a bunch of different books you can use on that.
Be the one that's always there. Don't just be like, "Oh, get started today for $1," and then never talk to somebody again.
So really focus on that, get dialed in and email your list.