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Your Worst Enemy

alan belcher blog Aug 14, 2019

Yo, what up high achievers? How're you guys doing?
If you ever wondered, by the way, why I'm doing a video in my car. It's literally because I didn't have enough time. Probably, I'm a little bit off-routine.

I'm not the type of person that stays on routine. I'm the type of person that has to make a routine and then try to stay on it and eventually get back on track. A lot of you guys are probably like that too.

But today what I want to talk to you guys about is destroying your worst enemy, crushing your competition. And your competition is you. Simple. That's me. My competition is me

It doesn't matter if you're a seven-year-old playing baseball. I say that because my son is seven years old and he played baseball. You know, he kind of reminds me of some of the talks that I've had with him about getting in your own head.

Probably what I should have said first in this and it will get your attention. But getting in your own head. You get in your own head. The anxiety. That's what I want to talk about.

You get anxiety. You get inside your own head. When the music is on in your car and your thinking like negative thoughts. I know I do but I know how to fix it.

I remember a few fights that I had. I would go out in the fights and I would be like oh my god. You know, just so nervous and afraid like I got to do this. You know, why am I doing

I know some fighters get in their own head. I know some baseball players, some little seven-year-olds, getting their own head. What if I strike out? I told my son instead of saying what if I strike out ask yourself what if I hit a home run.

This goes for anything. It isn't really about sports or business or anything. It's about, maybe you had someone that you put a lot of trust in, invested a lot of time or money in, and left you. Maybe you invested in something. I mean, recently I invested money, time and put a lot of trust in some people and I feel like it backfire on me.

I set myself up for something bad because I was putting everything into someone else. I gave them the power to hurt me. But I'll be damned if I'll be negative and have negative thoughts and focus on that.

People ask me all the time, do you ever have a bad week? It looks like you don't even have a bad week. What do you do? Those people that are close to me know that dude shit's gone down. It's been going down since I was 18, 19 years old.

There's been some, I mean, not like crazy stuff but you know just like you, no worse than you. But whatever it might be, we all got something that we're dealing with. It's not about that something. It's about how you deal with it. You feel me? You understand what I'm saying.

So change that narrative. Changed that story that's going through your mind. You're in control of that. That's why I picked up this phone right now and made this video. To be honest with you, I had something negative go through my mind and I was like boom I flip the switch. I felt powerful.

We went live and I said hey I'm gonna share this with other people because people ask me every week how are you dealing with this. Something recently happened in my business involving a manager, someone leaving and losing some students, whatnot, whatever, I'm not going through the details.

Someone actually said that people are gossiping or talking. How's he's handling it.  What's going on? Is he mad? This person is like not. Maybe he got that mindset you know it's not gonna bother him.

And things do bother me. Sometimes on the surface, I don't show it. Things do bother me for sure. But when they start to bother me, it's usually it's my own thoughts that are bothering me. And I want to share that with you. You use that and take control and own it.

Whatever's going on, something that's making you sad or making you depressed, making you anxious realize it's not something except that competition. It's not the person, it's you. That's means getting down on yourself and say I'm dumb. I'm stupid. I'm late. I'm getting in my head. I get anxiety.

No, just change the narrative. Change the words that are going through your brain. It's like you're talking inside your head. if you want to talk out loud, that's cool. I don't talk out loud all. I've tried it before it makes me feel weird.

It doesn't even mean you're crazy. if that's what you got to do that's what you got to do. Because the bottom line is you're the person. It's your brain, those negative thoughts are going through just turn it around. Flip it. Look at them positive of everything.

What if I had a home run? What if I knocked this guy out?
What if this problem that I'm having with my finances, you know getting fired from my job? What if getting fired from my job is the thing that makes me a, you know, a power like gives me to that next career where I make you know 200k a year or something. What if that's the thing that motivates me and gives me the freedom that I was too scared to quit my job and now get the freedom to be an entrepreneur and start my business?

What if that gym manager that left and took those students or whatever it is that you're saying in your head right?
What if that actually gave you some freedom? What if that may actually make you fired up and ready to make some changes that needed to be made change? What if that took away some negative vibes, some things that were there and maybe those people didn't go there? What if some of the people that did leave were not really a good fit anyway. It's not that they're bad people anything, it just hurt the culture that you were envisioning. There was just something off and then now the negative can hurt but I look at the positive. I will look at the positive, all right?

So what'd you think about that? Who's your worst enemy?

I know I'm my own worst enemy but I will crush those negative thoughts. I guess kind of like crushing yourself. It's like we call it schizophrenic. That's all right you little schizophrenic. Who gives a damn? It's all good.


My company that I've been built in the last couple of years, Combat Business is now launching Undisputed. We help businesses grow their brand and help get their sales. We run Facebook ads and all that. You know if I can help you with I'll be more than happy to. 

If you’re wanting to begin building your gym, I’d recommend starting with a review and plan for your business. Click Here To Apply To Work With Us.