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How to Reach the Most Number of Audience Organically

blog paul halme Sep 27, 2023
Last week,we talked about 'being seen everywhere'.
I got asked for a lot of examples of that and why that's important.
You want to be relevant.
And like I said previously, you don't know which platform people are going to see you on.
No need to make it super complicated.
Today, Im sharing this proven strategy that helped me and my school be 'seen everywhere' and allowed me to reach the most number of audience organically.
One of Gary Vee's popular strategy is producing one long-form content and cutting it into bite-size pieces. Then, distributing it across different social platforms.
So here it goes:
1. Record a 30-minute audio or video (or longer) talking about something. Make sure you provide high value.
2. Have a team member transcribe it. Or send it over to for super cheap transcription services.
3. Now it's time to create different media from the long form content.
Some of the stuff you can produce are:
- Quote images
- mini videos
- memes
- social media plain text posts
4. Upload and share. Post at least 4 times in your social media accounts and as your team and business grows, post even more!
If your main platform is Facebook, work on that first.
Cut the content up, upload and share.
Do the same for Instagram, YouTube, Linkedin, TikTok, Snapchat, etc.
Place it on your blog.
Share it everywhere.
Another important tip is to NEVER skip on your blogs.
Keep writing new blogs and updating the old ones as needed.
If you use WordPress for your website, make sure to add Yoast SEO plug-in.
This plug-in is super helpful to optimize your site.
When you have the right message to your market, and you consistently make sure your market hears about it -it's going to make all the difference!
It might take somebody, one year, two years, 10 years to come in and join your gym.
That's fine.
We're in this for the long haul.
We're playing the long game.
While you can spend a ton of money on ads and do some quick win campaigns, those who have watched you and followed you the longest are your best leads/customers.
So, really dial in your message to your market.
All these work may seem overwhelming so hire a VA or someone from Fiverr.
Hire some help to get you going because you can only do so much.
Keep doing it and compound your results!
If you’re needing help with your marketing, click this link
or email me at Paul@
I’m here to help out. 


Paul Halme | Combat Business