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Whatever It Takes

May 14, 2019

That's the answer that I give to someone whenever they ask me what am I willing to do to make it. It's the same answer I gave to myself when I asked myself what am I willing to do to make it into the UFC?

What am I willing to do? What extent am I going to go to? How hard do I have to go? How many hours do I have to put in? What do I have to eat? How do I have to suffer?

I'll do whatever it takes, that was the conclusion that I came to.

So I'm going to ask you, what are you willing to do? And be honest with yourself. What I'm going to tell you today is going to be real. It's a motivation for this week. I'm going to tell you one of the most important things if not the most important thing that's going to determine your set success today.

What it is it that you're trying to do? Are you trying to make it to the UFC? Are you trying to be a millionaire? Are you trying to start a business launch? Are you trying to grow your business to

$10,000 a month or $100,000 a month?

I've done some of those things that I was just talking about. It's not hard but it's not easy. It can be excruciating at times. It's not hard. it's impossible if you have a bad mindset. It’s almost impossible if you're not willing to do certain things.

I'll think about this and then not all you guys are entrepreneurs. Maybe you want to quit smoking, maybe you are fat. Maybe you want to spend more time with your kids or your wife. Maybe you’re going through a bad relationship or something.

And what do you need to do to fix it? What are you willing to do? The recipe, the things that you need to do. Ask yourself, am I willing to do that?

There's no shortcut. You're going to have to suffer. You're going to have to be consistent in discipline. You're going to have to do it every day. You're going to have to put in work.

Think about that realistically, what is it going to take for you to get whatever it is that you want?

Now, are you willing to do that? Are you willing to stay up late and get up early? Are you willing to eat healthy and workout every day? Are you willing to make a hundred calls just to make one sell? Are you willing to make a live video every day? Are you willing to do a live video out in the heat?

Actually, it's not that bad, it's pretty nice. But even in the dead summer, I'm willing to make a live video. I'll get off this live video, make an Instagram live video, then do an Instagram story, and that's just one small small small part of the marketing that I do every day.

I know what it takes and I'm willing to do it. I'm willing to do whatever it takes so when someone says whatever it takes it doesn't mean they're going to steal, rob, and cheat because I got that reaction from somebody.

I'm willing to do what it takes. There's a certain amount of time, effort, and energy that needs to be put in. There's a certain amount of balance that needs to happen. There's a certain set of rules that you have to follow. There's a certain action that you have to take and it's probably not once a week, it's probably every day. There are probably several actions that you have to take every day.

The question for you today is, are you willing to do whatever it takes?

If you’re wanting to begin building your gym, I’d recommend starting with a review and plan for your business. Click Here To Apply To Work With Us.