Tough times for the business? STAY ONLINE!
Mar 19, 2020~ Staying online during crazy times ~
There's so much going on right now.
A lot of people just want to curl up and disappear and stay off social media- which I sometimes do recommend.
Not consuming a bunch of it could save your sanity.
But as a leader and a business owner, you need to still show up.
You need to be thinking ahead, putting out good content and not just selling things obviously, but going out there and just networking, talking to your students, talking to people that engage in your brand and your groups, on your pages and your email.
Just keep showing up.
This is your chance to show people what you and your business can do especially during these crazy times.
Give out good information, different workout tips, different health tips, different things people can do to pass the time while some people are in lockdowns and are staying at home.
They're going to remember that later on that you were the one that was there and kept giving them information.
Give them things to work on, things to do, have little fitness challenges in your group or do technique breakdowns, demo them online.
And it's also a really good time, (if your business is shutdown for a little bit, hate using that word, or when it's temporarily not open), to start writing a batch and bunch of blog posts and articles and things you think about during this time that could help people. Then you'll have those rolled out sooner.
You can also start looking at how you can improve your business if you are in a temporary downtime.
What can you improve on?
What can you do better for when things do reopen and you've got to hit the ground running - because you've got to rebuild everything that's going to get taken down.
So just stay focused.
Still show up for your people.
DO NOT disappear and hide under a rock!
Keep putting out good quality content and keep impacting people and they will surely remember you and your business when all this craziness is over.