Do you even Implement, Bro?...
Dec 02, 2024Entrepreneurs are notorious for having ‘million dollar notebooks.’ Scratchpads from the last webinar you checked out.. Typed notes from that last seminar chock full of brilliant ideas. At least one of those ideas scribbled in those lost notebooks could make you a TON of money.. If you only implemented it.
Maybe it’s running online ads, or facebook ads. You’ve heard about it for a long time and you know it could double your traffic, but you’ve never gotten them started.
Maybe your idea is to add a new income stream in your school by adding a brand new program; finally appeal to a different audience and be able to diversify your business. You have the pieces, you know it could work, but the plan has never made it off the pages of your notepad.
Maybe it’s shooting Facebook live videos for your gym. You watch other people’s videos and you think they’re really entertaining but you’ve always been the ‘consumer’ of these videos and never the ‘producer.’ But one of these days, you’ll get around to trying it..
If you have the brilliant idea in hand, why is is to hard to get it off the ground? Why do SO FEW people actually implement positive change?
There are 3 main barriers we have to bust through to become a true action taker & implementer.
First, you have to identify your comfort zone.. Analyze it.. Size it up the way you would size up an opponent standing across the mat from you. And prepare to take it down.
Identify the statements that define your comfort zone and then counter it. If your comfort zone is includes an income that is just ‘good enough’.. Write down how your life would be different if your income increased by $1,000- $2,000 per month.
If you’re afraid to hire someone.. Write down everything that your new employee would take off your plate, and everything you would accomplish with your additional time.
Replace your old comfort zone with the new vision for your life and your business that you created in your rebuttals & repeat it until it becomes REAL. This new reality will make you uncomfortable, because you’ll realize that you aren’t there yet. Then, you’ll finally have the drive to make the changes you need to get you to that level.
Once you have the drive, you need to know what works and what to do. If your notebooks are really full of great ideas, then this part is easy. Pick one at a time and start running. Complete one at a time until you finish your list.
If you don’t know what works, then find a successful person who has forged a path that you want to follow. Listen to what they say & write down what they are doing. Then, implement piece by piece.
The last major hurdle to implementation is accountability. Freedom is one of the best parts of being an entrepreneur. But it’s not as easy to be productive and accomplish tasks with no hard deadlines and boss looking over your shoulder.
If we don’t do something new to grow our business, most people won’t ever notice. Our clients don’t know our to do lists. It’s really easy to pretend like those action plans never existed when nobody else is watching.
How long have these barriers stopped you from implementing one of your brilliant ideas? Weeks?.. Months?.. Years?...
With your comfort zone replaced by your next level vision of yourself, there are two final steps that will help you crush those remaining obstacles.
First, understand that 'Business as usual’ IS CHANGE.
People consume media differently than they did 5 years ago. Platforms change. (You’re not spending half of your advertising budget on the Yellow Pages anymore..) Your clients’ needs change over time. In business, there is no such thing as standing still. If you’re not moving forward with the changes, then you’re being left behind.
The second critical piece of the puzzle is to create a ‘Coalition of Change,’ a group of like-minded people committed to holding you accountable to implement positive change & achieve your goals. You cannot successfully be accountable, challenge your comfort zone, stay up to date with all of the technological updates and societal trends, and keep your mind in a productive state when you’re on an island by yourself.
Surround yourself with other entrepreneurs who enjoy the challenge of staying ahead of the curve. When you find others moving along your same path, you can accomplish so much more than trying to do it alone. Feed off of that energy, join the fray, and finally put those million dollar ideas to work in your business.