It's a crazy time to stop all your marketing efforts!
Apr 16, 2020Last week, we talked about having a long-term plan, and things are already starting to change. You've probably seen more positive news by now...
But you know what? One thing's going really insane right now!
Ad costs are getting really dirt cheap!!!
We're getting CPMs* under $2!
What that means is basically to get a thousand people to see an ad is costing less than $2, which is unheard of.
That used to be if you got under 10 bucks, you were happy.
So, I will say this again.
Right now is a great time to go focus on your brand awareness and visibility!
Build your awareness audiences. You don't have to sell anything.
Just keep talking to people, give them tips, things they can do for their health, guidance on nutrition, business, brand, etc.
And then when we get a date and this thing lifts, you need to be ready to go because a lot of people are going to be sitting around moping, other business owners like, "Oh I can't do anything because the economy's bad, and blah blah blah."
Well no, it's time to go.
So have your stuff ready to go and get after it.
Like I said, start building your audiences -make sure you've got all that lined up. And then have everything ready to go, because when the gates open, you need to be out in front of everybody and rebuilding anything that you've lost during this time.
Because we are going to see a huge meteoric rise.
People are going to get stimulus checks, businesses are going to get money from the CARES act, hopefully, as long as the banks get off their butt (my bank especially).
This is a crazy time but what's even crazier is putting a stop to your marketing efforts.
You have to keep putting out content and be the number one choice in your area!
So get out, create some content, put some money behind it, and just start building for the future!
*CPM -cost per mille, the advertising acronym CPM stands for “cost per thousand impressions,” which is a measurement of how much money it costs you to reach 1,000 readers, viewers, visitors or listeners.