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3 Core Values Of An Undisputed Leader

Nov 28, 2018

Do it anyway! Guys, it's Alan Belcher, today I'm going to be talking about the 3 core values of an undisputed leader. It's motivation Monday that means it's time to get busy.


When you wake up Monday morning, no matter how bad you feel, if you feel tired or weak, you feel lazy, you're not ready to start the day, do it anyway.


That's what I say, that's what "do it anyway" is all about. It's a mindset, it's a way of life, do it anyway. If you can't say "do it anyway" to yourself and live like that? There's no way you're going to lead other people.


Without leadership skills, you're not going to grow a business. You're not going to make any sales. You'll make the easy way and just lie down but you won't be able to lead other people, motivate people and get them going. So, get fired up because this week is going to be really good. If you live with this core values right now? I promise you, you'll be a lot better leader.


So, what does undisputed leadership mean? Undisputed means you're unchallenged. It means no one can tell you that you're not the best because you're undisputed, there is no argument.


It's a mindset that you're going to be the best because you're the best and then no one can take that away from you. That's true confidence and a leader needs confidence. These core values are 3 that I live by. The 3 that I lead by meaning in my company ABMMA, in our gyms, we have core values.


So, we have our Monday morning meeting, at 10 o'clock A.M and I have all of our staff from all our different locations. And the very last thing that we go over is that I remind them of the 3 core values. Today I'm going to give the fourth, kind of a bonus there, it wraps it all up, something to live by that will help you guys. But I also use these core values in my life.


So one tip that I can give you, going forward this week, is to think about what you value and make sure that everything lines up this week with what you value. Line up those values.


What is a core value? It's something that you believe and no one is going to make you believe any different. You're going to live by that. you're going to die by that, that's the type of mentality that you need when you're creating core value and living by it.


When you teach other people your core values and they come along with you, they become part of your tribe. That's when true leadership happens, that's when a movement really happens.


I used to do the daily show, hustle Jiu-Jitsu, we built a tribe of people that live by hustle Jiu-Jitsu, the idea that there was a Jiu-Jitsu and there was a technique. There was a sweet science to hustle and to the mindset.


It wasn't just something random, that just work, work, work until you're done. Work until the end of the day, then you sleep and do it again, grind it out.


There was a sweet science behind it and the hustle Jiu-Jitsu tribe, one thing that we live by was realizing that we are our own worst enemy. And that we are going to sabotage everything that becomes good and make it bad.


That's just how we are as a human being, we screw everything up, so what you get up in your mind is the most important.  


So, core values, I bet you're wondering what the core values are?


My number 1 core value, from my coaching business, from my ABMMA and from my personal life - help as many people get what they want as I possibly can.


Now, what does that do in return? That value creates value, that creates goodwill, that creates money and revenue. For me, invest in growing me further. Hire new people to expand our thoughts, to be a better leader and to make more of an impact. To impact our economy, more money into our economy is better.


Investing it allows me to donate things every single month. With our gyms, we pick a different charity to work with. Like in December, we're going to be working with Books of Africa.


So when you come into my gyms and you check in on Facebook or in Instagram, every 5 check-ins, we supply a book with a non-profit charity, Books of Africa, to give to one of those kids that are in school over there and they're in need of educational tools like books.


So, that's important. And without money, without a business, without running Facebook ads and really doing everything right, a lot of things that people think is greediness.


I choose to be public, to grow and to hire more people. To bring more members, more students, more clients which then in return brings in more revenue. So I can hire more staff and run more ads, that way I can lead better.


To me it is a value thing, I love capitalism. I love the idea of just creating some value and then selling it. And you take that money then go buy it somewhere else. Now that guy got the money, that's how the capitalist economy works. I love it and I believe in it to the core, I love that system and I believe that it's good.


So, I help others and that's my number 1 core value, no matter how greedy I may feel. Sometimes in my heart, I feel greed and I feel desire. I want to buy Lamborghini, I want to buy a yacht, I want to travel the world. I want all those things and I feel those things but that's why I put helping value as number 1.


And I recommend if helping other people don't feel that it matches you, that is not your style, then maybe that should be your style because for me that brings me back down to Earth.


I can honestly say, I'm not the most giving person, I'm not saying that and Tony Robbins says that the secret to living is giving. So if I'm not giving, then I'm not really living. I ask myself that sometimes, that's why my number 1 core value, is to help other people.


Now, you don't have to take my core values, if you don't like some of it, change some of it, but I'm going to share it with you. That is important to me, it keeps me grounded and without other people, if all my staff left me, I'd be screwed. I'm so blessed to have those people.


Number 2 core value is to learn every single day, grow personal development. I personally grow every day, learn, study and I help other people grow also. I teach my team, my students, my clients to personally grow.


Consistently working on your fitness, your health, your relationships and learning more about the mind. Learning about Psychology, about sales. Learn how to market, how to attract, persuade people, to drive all these things, more leadership training. If you stop growing, you're going to be moving backwards and you don't want to move backwards. You want to keep moving forward.


Number 3 is over deliver. So, whatever you say you're going to do, do it and do it better than you promise that you're going to do it. Never make a promise that you don't keep and never make a promise that you don't deliver even more than what you promise.


So, always promise low and deliver high or promise high and deliver even higher. If you can't do that then something is a little off and you have to do a little better.


One thing I teach to all of my team, all of my staff, everyone that works with me and my clients - to make it very simple if you have a product or service if you're in business and you're charging a $100 then you need to give $200 in value. For every one dollar, deliver a $2 of value.


Here is what I'm going to wrap it up with. This is also one of my core value - to create a culture of core values. So, that means the culture that you create is going to have a lot to do with the success you have. The success that your clients, the people on your team and all those that you lead. It's going to make a lot of things easier, so create that culture just like what I'm doing now.


Those 3 core values, every single week, we get on with ABMMA, with my combat business, and undisputed. We have these core values.


So, encourage other people to live by core values and a lot of times you haven't thought about core values. If you like mine just live by mine and if these are not your top, put these on your top 10. If we say it we're going to do it and we're going to die for it, that is how much I want you to believe in yourself.


So, this week whatever you value, truly value it and be ready to go to war for it. Go down swinging this week, if you lose this week and if you don't have a good week, make sure that you give it 100%. And whatever your values are, you truly stood by those values. So, go, kill it this week and do it anyway. If you don't want to do it, do it anyway.


If you’re wanting to begin building your gym, I’d recommend starting with a review and plan for your business. Click Here To Apply To Work With Us.