Turn Your Online Traffic into New Students
Jun 14, 2019In previous blogs, I've shared online traffic growth strategies. These included Ways to grow your Instagram, optimize your website through proven SEO strategies, video ads and retargeting, some Facebook strategies. Hopefully, you are taking advantage of all the online traffic you've been getting from these previous tips.
Now let's turn those online traffic into sales.
Sales is the lifeblood of your business. You have to be able to sell. You're never gonna have a good enough school unless you hire a great salesperson to help you.
But the trick is to not be a sleazy salesman.
Be an honest and legit person. Genuinely care about the people coming in and helping them reach their goals.
You should already have the qualification. You should already be a good instructor who wants to help people reach the goal that they want.
People are coming to your gym for a reason. If you could figure it out, then you have a student for life, they're going to be so invested in your gym.
Getting into sales
Treat your clients like you treat your best friend. Treat clients like somebody you want to help or someone you care about.
Maintain strong eye contact, smile, good handshake, walk them to the gym, give them a quick tour if you want, show them around and see if they have questions.
When it's time to sell, the easiest thing you can do to close the sale is to ASK these TOP 2 things:
- “What made you decide to come in today?”
When you ask them this question, this will give you the answer to what made them finally decide to come in.
There's a reason they came in. No one is coming into your gym or martial arts class because they're bored. There's a reason they came in, find that out and go deeper.
Make sure to ask the first question.
Now, let me share this 5 MAGIC WORDS that will get you more sales.
- “Why's that important to you?”
Find out:
What made them decide to come in today?
Why's that important to them?
With these questions answered, you will surely get more sales, more sign ups and higher close percentage.
They may say they finally decided to come in today because they wanted to get 'in shape'... so ask why that is important to them.
Perhaps you'd get responses like, "I'm on high blood pressure medication”, “I'm always tired, I cant play with my kids like I used to….”, “I'm feeling exhausted every time”, “I'm just so stressed, my job sucks, my wife hates me!”, “I need an outlet”…
Hear them out and THEN offer your solution. This would be the perfect time to let them know about your membership perks, fun classes and top of the line gym facilities.
Go ahead and turn those online traffic into sales and new students because that is the life blood of your gym.
Here’s another game-changing sales strategy from Alan that will help you understand your process. This will also help you understand your customers more.
Have a great week. Keep crushing it!
If you’re needing help with your marketing, I’m here to help out.
Click this link to schedule a call with my team.
Paul Halme | Combat Business