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Crush 'Em BIG GOALS (New Year, New Fight)

alan belcher blog Dec 16, 2020

Do you have a crazy, huge goal?

Maybe you dream of being in the top 10 in your industry…
Or have a $100,000 per year in your business, or $100,000 a month…

Create small steps, go out there and hit that goal.
Put everything you have into it and hit it.

Watch what happens.

You'll never ever turn back.

You will be a high achiever for life.

Your mindset will change. It will take a 360-degree shift and you will have a belief that the other people around you don't have.

There's only probably 1% of high achievers out there.

Have some faith. Work on it every day and go hit that goal.

Your whole life is going to change and you will never, ever, ever go back.

You'll understand something that most people never understand.

Believe it.

Set a higher standard.

New Year, new fight!

Go out there and hit your goals.

If you want to follow the footsteps of a successful entrepreneur, you hang out with successful entrepreneurs. 
You will not only learn business strategies and business pitfalls from them, you will also get their drive and passion to get things done.

If you are a martial arts school or academy owner, check out this free Facebook community here.

We share marketing, sales, business tips, support and answer (relevant) questions in there.

See you inside!