How to Use YouTube and Google Ads for Your Business
Nov 22, 2019Having your YouTube channel, creating a video for your business and then running it through Google ads - is a very underused source of traffic!
Keep it simple. The main thing to remember on YouTube is that you have the 'five second window'.
No matter how much somebody doesn't like you or doesn't want to watch your stuff, they have to sit it out for five seconds.
Make sure you stir interest, hit all the key points in that first five second. Start with a great hook.
Remind people how amazing your facility looks, what you look like, or maybe talk about that 'x-factor' only your facility has.
With this strategy, you can reach so many people in your local area!
Right now for my martial arts gym, I spend $10/day on my ads.
Last month, in the last 30 days, I had 36,698 impressions, which equaled almost 17,000 views. 😲😲😲
People are not only watching my video, but they're continuing to watch it past the '5-second window'.
That's huge, because on Facebook, you pay a lot more (unless you're doing a TrueView).
But on YouTube, if they just watch the first five seconds and they skipped the video, I don't pay anything.
They see that and it costs me nothing and they keep seeing my brand, they keep seeing my business.
To give you an example of how powerful this is, just this last month alone,
I had a guy come in and re-sign up his two kids because he kept seeing my videos on YouTube.
He brought it up.
I was at Lifetime Fitness lifting and a guy walked to me, he goes, "Hey, are you Paul Halme?"
I'm like, "Yeah."
He's like, "Oh man, I've been seeing your videos on YouTube. My kids are doing Krav Maga. I really need to get them in jujitsu," so I got him all set up.
They now come to the gym.
That's just the people that I've talked to.
I don't do sales at my gym anymore, so I don't know a lot of times who's coming in from what, but just imagine the local awareness YouTube and Google ads could do (and how cheap you can do it!).
You could do five bucks a day, you could do three bucks a day, and get in front of thousands of people that are looking for what you offer!
Remember, with YouTube and Google ads, you are targeting people with the 'intention' of finding you and your services.
You create the ads, you create the keywords.
If someone's looking for UFC, or jujitsu,you target them.
If you're a chiropractor, your potential client could be searching for 'remedies for backache' or 'how to avoid backache' or something like that.
The intention is already there! You just have to show them you are the right fit.
You could do so many different things because YouTube is so powerful.
Don't skip out on this one.
It's a huge traffic source.
I had 91 clicks to my website from people that watched the video. That's driving them to there, and then I can re-target from there, like we talked about earlier in a previous episode.
Don't sleep on YouTube.
It's the number two search engine in the world.
People are using it and they're engaging with it, and with the right strategy, you will get new customers from it!
If you’re needing help with your YouTube and Google ads, click this link
or email me at [email protected].