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The Biggest 'Success Secret' for your Business ⚡

blog paul halme Jan 03, 2020
I'm going to give you the biggest success secret for your business. 💥
Are you ready?
(drum roll, please...)
It's automation.
1. Automating your marketing and 2. automating your finances.
The more things you can automate in these areas, the less things you have to think about.
Remember that these are mostly routine tasks and things that you'll delay and put off because you have other important things to do.
So, how do you automate your marketing?
One example - when people sign up on your website, they should get an email and a text and then your staff should get notified.
All that should be automated.
You shouldn't have to manually do that.
Then you should have the reminders sent out.
When people move through your processes, when they become a student, the automation triggers.
They get new welcome emails and texts.
If they don't sign-up to your school yet but they have signed up to your website, then you continue to give them value .
You keep nurturing these people (non-students in your list) because it could take people a year, two years to come in.
You want to automate these 'nurture process' so they're getting an email or a text from you all time.
They won't forget about you and your programs.
Make sure you have your marketing automation processes dialed in.
I use Spark and it's been amazing for my martial arts business.
This tool does all my tasks, sends everything out and keeps everything organized.
It's an amazing software!
Then another big thing is automating your finances because nobody wants to move money.
Everybody wants to squirrel away their money at the end of the month, otherwise they don't have any.
If you automate your finances, it will make your life so much easier and so much better.
If you've heard me speak, read my book, I talk about moving your money every business day, have it automatically move, whatever that dollar amount needs to be to hit your monthly goal.
That should move and it usually averages out to like 21 days a month.
So you divide that by whatever the number is that moves automatically, boom. Then your savings account is full.
Then you can do your quarterly distribution. (This one I usually don't do manually because the numbers could vary.)
Automating your finances will take so much pressure off of you. And automating your marketing will get your results through the roof.
Focus on these two.
If you have not started yet - then start automating your marketing and your finances. If you start doing these two basic steps for your business, you would have already save so much time!
This time saved could then be used for other business areas that require your time and attention.
If you’re needing help with your marketing and sales, click this link
or email me at [email protected].
I’m here to help out. 

Happy 2020!

Paul Halme | Combat Business