What To Do When Your Ads Stop Working
Sep 01, 2019Have you ever noticed that your once top-performing ads are not bringing in opt-ins or sales anymore? Or they keep getting too expensive, it's ridiculous!
This happens a lot!
Changes in social media advertising happen a lot, like in Facebook and Instagram. Not so much with Google, because you can kind of ‘control’ that and it’s kind of leveled out . One day, you’ll wake up and your ads are no longer working the same way. Or they keep getting more and more expensive… If you do see that, it’s time to look at different things.
Depending on whether you set your campaigns up correctly, you want to have your campaigns, ad set and ads split-tested. You always want to have more than one ad in there so you could test and see which one works the best. And based on the results you are getting- you can switch out the headlines, the image, the ad copy later on.
If you have an ad that was doing good BUT is now NO LONGER performing like it was,
DUPLICATE THE AD. You may want to create another image, change the headline, or add some emojis and see if that starts to convert better.
(Here’s a great read to help you optimize your Facebook ads , increase ad conversions and yield great results for you and your business)
If it doesn't’...
...then the ad may be stale and it's time to switch it up and do a different program or create a different offer.
Offers can be the gamechangers in ads,especially on social media.
Remember with social media ads, you are ‘interrupting’ your potential customers. They are not actively searching for gyms, schools or your business. You target them. You are ‘interrupting’ them so you better give them the reason to opt-in and it’s got to be MORE THAN just a “hey,come to my gym.and check us out”.
Nope, you give them a great offer!
You see a lot of copywriters start with great offers and they start building up from there. You could give people free stuff when they come in, then provide great customer service and give them excellent amount of time and attention,etc.
If your ads are NOT working, then SCRAP that campaign, turn your ads off and start a new one. Start with a more powerful offer. Try to have 3-4 great images with different headlines, test it, run it and track your results from there.
Another important tip is to start creating a swipe file of all your ads. This helps you keep track of your best and worst performing campaigns. If you are running an evergreen campaign that does well, you might be running some consistent good offer. Make sure you keep track of these ads, so it's easy to dissect or duplicate them when you need to run a similar ad or target a similar audience.
Here’s a great resource to creating an appealing offer that your prospects can say no to.
Make sure to have a great offer, great image, compelling call-to-action, and a sense of urgency. Otherwise, they’d simply scroll down and scroll right past you.
Revisit your 'ideal customer profile' and if needed, re-define your customer avatar.
Expand your market and carefully re-examine your buyer persona including their:
- Age
- Gender
- Location
- Who/What influences them
- Language
- Activities/ Interests/Hobbies
If you are serving an ad to a lookalike audience, try experimenting and comparing the results between 1-2% vs 10% lookalike audiences.
Have a great week. Keep crushing it!
If you’re needing help with your marketing, I’m here to help out.
Click this link to schedule a call with my team.
Paul Halme | Combat Business
My new book is coming out soon. Stay tuned!
Updated: September 2, 2019