Master your mindset!
Apr 30, 2020Mindset, mindset, mindset!
Yes, Traffic, sales, profits- these are important.
But right now mindset is MORE important than anything.
How you control your thoughts, how you approach fear is everything!
You're watching businesses go out of business, people losing their livelihoods.
I mean, it's a crazy time. One of the best things you can do is being around a group that's supportive and positive, like our tribe masterminds.
We're in there talking to our clients, motivating them, giving them peace of mind, reassuring them, because it's a scary time.
I mean, people can't run their businesses so being scared and anxious are normal reactions.
You can stay scared and anxious or you can take control of your thoughts. Examine your thoughts and process them properly. Really focus on your mindset. If you got people that are negative in your life, it's time to cut them out. I'm not saying you get rid of them completely, but just stop talking to them as much, change the conversation when it gets negative.
You've got to stay positive and think healthy during these crazy times.
If you think about it, your mindset is what's going to drive everything. You can give up now and be like, "Oh, the world's ending. My life is over."
OR you can say
"Man, I'm going to fix up my business. I'm going to optimize my systems. Get my traffic plan ready to go, and when this thing lifts, I'm going to hit it so hard. I'm going to crush everyone."
That's what I'm going to do. I'm in my gym remodeling, fixing things up, tightening up my business plans, tightening up my ad funnels, because man, once they give us the green light, I'm going to hit the gas pedal!
I know it's a little bit dark time, but we're seeing a little bit of light.
Texas is opening up on May 1st.
Hopefully gym's on May 18th, so we'll see.
But in the meantime, I'm going to build out my systems, tighten up everything, and I'm going to crush it when this is over.