"You need six months of liquid money put away."
Jun 19, 2024The average financial advisor will tell you,
"you need six months of liquid money put away."
Because you do.
You need six months.
And everybody's like,
"Paul, I can't do six months. That's crazy!"
Your average school is going to have what, 10 to 20,000 in bills a month, plus your personal bills?
I mean, you're looking at a big chunk of change to build that up to you, but it's something that every person can do and I want to see you do it.
This is the thing that is going to change your life.
You've got to take care of you too, not just your gym.
So six months built up into an account that changes your life.
I speak from experience and I'm going to give you some examples, some stories about it, but it will change your life if you build up these accounts, and then you get more fun, because then you start getting into investments and retirement accounts and trusts and college savings and you can just compound as much as you want.