Free Trial Vs. Paid Trial?
Jan 27, 2025Throw this question in one of the martial arts business groups and you’re going to get 96 comments on why one is better than the other.
The benefits of one..
The dangers and pitfalls of the other..
And by the end, you’re going to be more confused than when you started. So let’s break it down once and for all.
The main benefit of FREE trials is the number of leads. Who doesn’t love free stuff? You’ll have a ton of people who raise their hand for any combination of free classes & free gear.
So, what are some of the common problems? Why wouldn’t you want to use the method that brings in the most leads?
Free trials have the reputation for bringing in ‘unqualified’ leads. People who raise their hand for free stuff have no investment, no horse in the race. Having no investment emotionally or financially drastically increases the likelihood that they are going to flake on the appointment and a lot of people think they are tough to close because they are expecting something for nothing.
As a direct response, to try to combat this flaky mentality, a lot of people started recommending the PAID trial. People who advocate for the paid trial method say that the leads are more qualified because they have already given you money. Prospects who have purchased a trial will be more likely to show up to take advantage of something they already purchased.
The hardest sale that you will ever make is the first one. If someone already purchased a trial online, then you already have that first one under your belt. When they come in for their appointment, you don’t have to clear that hurdle. You simply have to sell them something else. The ‘second sale’ is drastically easier to make than the first one. (Assuming you’ve given them great value the first time around.)
The major downside of the paid trial system is the fact that MOST of your leads will bail before they actually purchase anything online. The most well known martial arts websites have a conversion rate of 3%-5%. That means that 95%-97% of your website visitors have bounced before completing the process.
Many hardcore paid trial advocates even tell you to punt your inquiry phone calls over to your website & “let it work!” Human to human sales is the highest converting sale you have! Why would you punt them back to a website?! It’s crazy.
(I would be remiss not to mention the fact that many of the most vocal paid trial advocates make money by providing the software, content, & email follow up needed to run a successful paid trial system.)
So what is the best option? The truth is that both can work. I have used both in my business and both worked. But neither of them worked as well as “The INVISIBLE Trial.”
The Invisible Trial combines the best of both worlds, increasing your number of qualified leads by inserting the personal connection MUCH earlier in the process.
No more leaving people on a non converting email list for life.
With the invisible trial, you can contact every single opt in, more than doubling the number of HUMAN BEINGS you can actually speak to, drastically increasing the most crucial ‘appointments SET’ metric.
But since your prospects are technically raising their hand for a paid trial, they are qualified people who understand that quality goods and services have value and cost money.
It’s the best of both worlds.
Whether they complete their payment or not, you’re reaching out BY PHONE or text to schedule their appointment. They can pay when they come in. But they understand that payment will occur. You can focus on building a personal connection, building rapport, and move away from being a cold, inhuman cash register.
By focusing on the relationship first, and the payment second, the Invisible trial allows you to demonstrate the type of personal connection and customer service that you will provide to them when they become members.
This whiteboard comes directly from one of my last staff meetings. It outlines the entire “Invisible Trial” process from Opt in to Sale.. (or trial sale.)
Check it out
If you’re having trouble consistently coming in, it’s because the market has changed.
With so many internet marketers flooding your perspective clients with ads the “Invisible Trial” can get your inbox filled with new leads.
Click here to check out how we helped this academy owner change their life!